Which Retainer is the Best For Your Teeth?
Which retainer is the best? To answer that question, you must first look at the problem you’re actually trying to solve. Retainers, as many people know, used to retain the shape of your teeth. Wearing [...]
What Is The Price of a Tooth Jacket in Manila?
The price of a tooth jacket in Manila can depend on a lot of factors regarding the service and the patient. As a lot of people know today, a tooth jacket (also known as a [...]
What Can Orthodontist in Manila Do?
An orthodontist in Manila can do a lot of things for your teeth. To be specific, they specialize in correcting crooked teeth through a number of ways. You probably know them best as your number [...]
What is Dental Surgery in Manila?
Dental surgery in Manila is a pretty common service done by most dental practitioners. It usually involves the removable of an impacted wisdom tooth. The latter itself is a problem experienced by a pretty sizeable [...]
How Much Are Dental Implants in the Philippines?
How much are dental implants in the Philippines? Well, dental implants are expensive. They’re not just expensive, they’re very expensive. However, with such a high price tag, the product does come with a series of [...]
What is the Price of Dental Fillings in the Philippines?
What is the price of dental fillings in the Philippines? Giving a concrete answer to that question can be a pretty difficult due to a few reasons. Dental fillings are known for the variety of [...]