Damon Braces: Five Reason To Get It

//Damon Braces: Five Reason To Get It

Damon Braces: Five Reason To Get It

Damon Braces is a bright example of the ever-progressing innovation that dentistry is going through. It shows that a service created over 200 years ago still has room for improvement in today’s age. However, you may already be asking yourself “what are Damon braces?” Well, this article will answer your question. In addition, the article lists down 5 reasons why you try and get Damon braces when you’re in need of orthodontics.  

What Are Damon Braces?

To answer that question, it’s important to know what braces in the first place. Fortunately, most people today know what braces look like and where they can get them. Unbeknownst to most people, however, standard orthodontic braces come with a few issues. These issues include discomfort and a constant need for readjusting. Also, standard orthodontic braces have an aesthetic issue for most people.

So, with that said, Damon braces are a special kind of braces that uses a slide mechanism to connect wires to brackets. This results in a major upgrade from your normal orthodontic braces. Damon braces give the patient the benefit of removing most issues a standard set of braces would give them. Here are five reasons why you should get it.

5. Comfort

image for damon braces

Image from Today’s Orthodontist

With its special sliding mechanic, Damon braces are able to reduce the pressure added to your teeth when compared to regular braces. Why is this a good thing? Well, patients tend to suffer from pain when putting on braces for the first time. A pain that lasts for a few days before the patient gets used to it in the following days to come. Damon braces can severely reduce the pain down to a minor discomfort. This alone should be reason enough to get the service.

4. Quicker Results

The average time for a set of braces to finish is between 12 – 24 months. It’s that long. In truth, though braces do have a permanent effect on our teeth, no service is worth having for two years! Damon braces have been reported to shave off 7.2 months as compared to standard braces. That is crazy when you think about the results and the reduction of discomfort.

3. Less Maintenance

Another inconvenience that plagues patients with regular braces, is the constant visits to the dentist. Why is this necessary? Well, regular braces experience wear and tear in the rubber as well their wires needing readjustments. Since Damon braces use a special sliding mechanic, this effectively removes the need for a constant visit to the dentist. Visiting your dentist should still be part of your routine, however, one can expect less of that with Damon braces.

2. Less Plaque Buildup

Regular braces have larger and bulkier metal brackets with each having their own elastics. These elastics tend to become a magnet for plaque and bacteria build up. Damon braces completely remove this problem since it requires no elastics in its conservative brackets. This is such a huge plus for patients since it aids their overall oral hygiene.

1. A Better Aesthetic

Standard braces have seen a rise in popularity for most adolescents today. They see braces as more of a fashion choice than a dental service. However, most people still see braces as an unattractive look. It ruins the smile as the majority of the service is made out of metal. One can expect the opposite when it comes to Damon braces. Since the wires and brackets of the latter are smaller, they tend to deliver less impact on your smile as a whole. In addition, one can opt for clear Damon braces that reduce the visibility of the service of up to 80%.

image for damon braces

Image from Euro Dental Care


In closing, if you are unsure whether or not a service is for you, then it’s best to consult your dentist. A dental consultation can yield answers that clear up questions that may have bothered you for a long time.

By | 2018-02-01T05:04:20+00:00 December 18th, 2017|Articles|0 Comments

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