The Most Common Types of Dental Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

//The Most Common Types of Dental Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

The Most Common Types of Dental Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

Your teeth have several functions including many activities you may easily take for granted such as eating, speaking and even smiling. With the role of your teeth in everyday life, serious dental problems may arise especially when they are not properly taken care of.

Fortunately, most of them can be easily prevented by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and having regular dental check-ups. With that said, simply keeping yourself informed about the different types of dental problems can also help a long way in prevention. To guide you, here’s a list of the most common types of dental problems you shouldn’t ignore.

9 Different Types of Dental Problems and How to Treat Them

1. Bad Breath

Nothing is more humiliating than bad breath! Also called halitosis, it is, unfortunately, a common dental problem across all ages.
However, bad breath is usually a sign of other dental problems. In fact, a study found that 85% of individuals with halitosis have a dental condition that is to blame.

Using mouthwash is often an ineffective solution as it just covers up bad breath. To really treat this dental problem, it’s best to see your dentist to rule out any other dental issues that can cause persistent bad breath.
Did You Know? While bad breath is commonly caused by dental problems, this can also be a result of the types of food you’ve been eating such as garlic, onions, liquor, or sweets.

2. Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems, with about 92% of adults from ages 20 to 64 suffering cavities or caries in their permanent teeth.

It happens when plaque, a sticky deposit on teeth in which bacteria form, combines with foods that are high in sugar or starch. This leads to acids and bacteria that attack tooth enamel, thus resulting in tooth decay which will most likely need fillings.
Fortunately, you can prevent getting tooth decay by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and going to your dental check-ups. You can also avoid snacks that are high in sugar and switch to a healthier diet in order to minimize the risk of getting tooth decay.

3. Gum Disease

Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is another common dental problem that affects the gums surrounding the teeth. It is mainly caused by smoking but diabetes and dry mouth are also significant risk factors. Gum disease has three developing stages namely gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis.

If you suffer from bad breath, bleeding gums, painful chewing, and sensitive teeth, you should schedule a visit with your dentist to prevent further complications. Going to your regular dental check-ups as well as brushing at least twice a day can help gum disease from becoming worse.

4. Root Infection

A root infection occurs when bacteria enter your tooth and attack the pulp tissue. Once this pulp is broken down, bacteria will multiply and form a pus-filled pocket at the end of a tooth’s root.

You may mistakenly rule it out as a simple toothache. However, it’s recommended to visit your local dentist as soon as you experience persisting pain.

Your dentist may recommend a root canal procedure to treat this common dental problem. During the painless procedure, he will drill a hole through the middle of your tooth in order to suck out all the pus and infected tissue stuck in the root.

5. Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common types of dental problems but individuals barely notice they suffer from it.
It involves experiencing tooth pain or discomfort whenever you indulge in sweets, hot & cold drinks, or ice cream. The condition can also be aggravated by exposure to cold air as well as simply brushing and flossing your teeth.
Fortunately, you can see your dentist in order to treat this dental problem and prevent tooth loss or jawbone infection.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores is a dental problem that can be pesky. The most common types include canker sores (aphthous ulcers) and fever blisters.
Canker sore’s appearance on the mouth is typically nothing to worry about as it can disappear on its own. However, if it lasts for more than two weeks, it’s best to go and visit your dentist in order to discuss treatment options.

Fever blisters or cold sores, on the other hand, appear on the outer lips and are caused by the Herpes simplex virus. Unfortunately, they are extremely contagious and are not yet completely curable.

7. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious and deadly dental problem that affects over 50,000 individuals every year in the United States alone.
Early symptoms include mouth sores, lumps, and other rough areas. These are unlikely to be noticed as our mouths have naturally bumpy surfaces and commonly mistaken for other problems like toothache or cold. Severe symptoms, such as a change in bite and difficulty chewing or moving your tongue, later show up.

That’s why it’s extremely important to go to your regular dental visits. Your dentist would recognize these symptoms and help catch oral cancer earlier. After all, more treatment options may be available if oral cancer is diagnosed as early as possible.

8. Dry Mouth

Also referred to as xerostomia, this is a common dental problem in which saliva glands are not able to produce enough saliva to keep the mouth moist.

This can prove problematic as saliva helps keep plaque off of the tooth surface. With this absence of moisture in the mouth, plaque buildup, cavities and eventually, tooth decay may occur.

It is commonly caused by several things such as smoking, prescription medication, aging or stress. Symptoms range from basic (such as chapped lips and bad breath) to serious (like gum irritation and a burning feeling in the mouth).

9. Tooth Loss

These common dental problems can all lead to tooth loss. For instance, simple tooth decay can result in extraction if it’s not treated immediately. The same goes for gum disease and root infections. Age can even contribute to the loss of teeth as years of biting, chewing, and grinding can ultimately weaken the tooth enamel.

Fortunately, when this happens, you can still undergo two options—dentures or dental implants—which would give you a new tooth that looks, feels, and acts very much your original one.

Your teeth play an important role in daily activities from eating to speaking and even smiling. That’s why it’s essential to take care of them in order to avoid these common dental problems.

Are you suffering from any of these dental problems? It’s best to consult dental professionals like Asian Sun Dental Clinic to determine the causes and necessary treatments available. We are one of the most trusted dental clinics in Quezon City who are dedicated to giving patients affordable yet quality dental services. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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By | 2024-05-09T17:22:35+00:00 April 24th, 2020|Articles|0 Comments

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