What Are Dental Veneers? Questions Answered

//What Are Dental Veneers? Questions Answered

What Are Dental Veneers? Questions Answered

Dental veneers have been a popular choice amongst patients looking for both repairs and improvements. Since porcelain veneers, today are relatively affordable, easily accessed, and in demand, those who are out of the loop now wonder what a is a dental veneer? This article will go into the details of a dental veneer, what it has to offer, how its placed on your teeth, how much it costs, and how it compares with other services that share its qualities.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a thin, shell-like material usually made from porcelain that’s placed in front of a damaged or cracked tooth. The product is mostly placed on incisors because due to their shape and how they function.

Understanding what a dental veneer is also knowing what a dental crown is because both of their qualities are near-identical. A dental crown also replaces and protects a damaged tooth. The only difference is that a dental crown takes much more space and is quite larger.

How much is a dental veneer? The average price of a dental veneer starts at Php 12,000.

Related: The Pros and Cons of a Dental Veneer

What Can A Dental Veneer Do?

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Here are the main benefits of a dental veneer:

  • Better Shape – a dental veneer, once placed and sealed on the tooth, improves the shape and alignment of the tooth. It is custom made to fit the tooth of the patient as it should be.
  • Brighter Color – being made out of porcelain, a porcelain veneer is capable of coming in at a brighter shade than the original tooth. This makes the veneer blend in easily with the other teeth.
  • Protection – a dental veneers is used to protect a cracked tooth. This means that once its sealed on said tooth, the original one is protected from further harm.

How Is A Dental Veneer Placed On Your Tooth?

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Going over the basic information of the procedure, a dental veneer’s procedure involves:

  • The dentist scraping a tooth’s enamel in order to make room for the veneer.
  • The veneer is placed and sealed on the tooth. Depending on the clinic, you may have to wait a week or two before the actualy veneer arrives. In the meantime, your dentist will give you a temporary one to wear. The temporary veneer will be taken off once the real one arrives.

What Is An Emax Veneer?

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An emax veneer is made out of a specially heated ceramic that gives it a tougher structure compared to porcelain. It also gives the veneer a more natural sheen to it improving how it looks from a porcelain’s normal aesthetic.

Gettiing an emax veneer can be benefitial for the patient but it does cost a lot more. The price of an emax veneer in the Philippines can start at Php 16,000.


If any of the services mentioned have piqued your interest, the first step you should take is to consult your dentist about it. Doing so will give you information on the service that you should really be paying for.

By | 2024-05-09T17:23:05+00:00 May 22nd, 2018|Articles|0 Comments

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